
1 cup of saneness – clarity, wisdom and perspective of reality

1 bunch of personal obligation- responsibility, composure, and courage

2 tablespoons gratitude- remember and recognize what you have, despite your pain

1 piece of resistance- patience to endure the discomfort

1 pinch of respect – give space for everyone to express their pain in their own terms

1 slice of faith- hope for peace of mind and light to help move on

2 cloves of acceptance – stop fighting the inevitable and let the pain go

Chef's recommends: remember “pain never lasts forever” when the discomfort fades … everything changes, it rearranges and usually life takes a new direction.

Learning to live with hurt:

1.Your attitude affects the way pain is perceived. A positive and caring approach invites you to acknowledge and intake pain with peace and integrity. A negative and arrogant attitude only leaves hate, discomfort, anger and despair.

2. Everyone experiences pain in their own ways. Some require secluding themselves, others need action, and others need to gain control and feel power. other approaches would include encounter faith and meditation, and there is not a unique way to handle pain in a better way.

3. The consolation is never a natural process. Is a nice gesture that helps to share the discomfort but the true is that nobody can replace a loss. Neither time nor the discomfort, even the most well-intentioned motions can't remove or eliminate ones pain. There are processes that must be lived despite the discomfort. Faith and hope are two ingredients that can help.

«You must learn to live even though the pain you feel …Probably you will never understand why things happen the way they do, but remember that life is always good.»

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