Monday, February 27, 2023

6 p.m. PST

Location: UC Park & Market (1100 Market Street, San Diego, CA 92101)

On a planet where FIFA has more members than the United Nations and the World Cup is watched by more than three billion people, football (soccer) is more than just a game. As Juan Villoro argues in his passionate and compulsively readable book God is Round, the world's favorite sport,  may be the most effective catalyst for panglobal unity at the time when we need it most.

The UC San Diego Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies invites you to a conversation with the author
on February 27, 2023 at 6 pm in UC San Diego Park and Market located in 1100 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101.

*This event will be in English and only in-person. The event will not be recorded. Limited seats available.

Artículo anteriorCelebra Guadalajara su 481 aniversario
Siguiente artículoComo veo, doy es un medio periodístico ciudadano, creado y alimentado por ciudadanos e instituciones de la Sociedad Civil.Su objetivo es servir como medio ilustrativo de todo lo positivo que pasa, dejando el aspecto negativo para los otros es un espacio donde poder informarse, formarse, pensar, analizar y actuar informada e inteligentemente.

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